Advantage Air Status Codes

You can use this page to find the definition of the status code displayed on your system. From here you can troubleshoot options for that code.

Before you search the current status code please try the following troubleshooting steps;

  1. Reset power to your mains by turning the power off at the main switch in your meter
    box (leaving off for 15 minutes).
  2. Turn main switch back on
  3. Once power has been restored to the touch screen wait an additional 5 minutes and test
    the system.
  4. If the screen does not restart then please contact our friendly support team and have
    handy the following details;

    1. Estimated date of install
    2. Builder or installer details
    3. Air conditioner brand
    4. What control system you have (MyAir, e-zone, zone-10e etc.)

If your Status Code begins with UNIT ERROR or a non AA letter combination, please refer back to your original installation company for general servicing.

Status Code AA1

Communication error between Advantage Air componentry and A/C unit.

If you have not done so, please follow the troubleshooting steps at the top of the page.
Or if the error does not clear please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA2

Multiple unit controllers detected.

If you have not done so, please follow the troubleshooting steps at the top of the page.
Or if the error does not clear please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA3

Communication error

If you have not done so, please follow the troubleshooting steps at the top of the page.
Or if the error does not clear please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA4

System is not detecting any temperature sensors

  1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info
  2. Ensure Each Sensor has only 1 zone dip switch allocated
  3. Check Battery connection to each temp sensor

If the error does not clear please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA10

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA11

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA22

Your wall mounted touch screen is no longer connected to internet. Please connect the touch screen to the internet.

  1. Go to tablet settings > Wifi/Connections
  2. Confirm Wifi is turned ON
  3. Confirm connected to home network
  4. If not connected retype password
  5. If connected with no internet please reset router
  6. If above steps have not resolved issue please disable and re-enable remote access through your Advantage Air App.
  7. If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA26

Remote access is working.

No Fault or troubleshooting required.

Status Code AA33

Apps on the wall mounted touch screen are out of date.

App Update Instructions (Wall Mounted Touch Screen):

  1. Ensure the touch screen is connected to the internet.
  2. Open the PlayStore app.
  3. Make a new or add an existing account if required.
  4. Wait 15 minutes
  5. Search for the following apps in the PlayStore:
    • MyPlace, MyAir 4, Ezone or Zone 10e (whichever is applicable)
    • AA Waca (may not be required)
    • AA Service
  6. The above apps should only ever be updated and not installed.
  7. Once all the apps have finished updating, please reboot the touch screen.
  8. If updating fails to clear the status code or you run into any issues along the way. Please contact our help desk: 1300 850 191.

Status Code AA42

Your Apple device cannot locate the Advantage Air wall mounted touch screen.

Please try these steps:

  1. Check that the apps on your wall mounted touch screen are up to date.  You can check this via your Google Play store account on your wall mounted touch screen.  (We recommend allowing auto updates).
  2. Check your wall mounted touch screen is connected to your local wifi.
  3. Connect this mobile device to the same local WiFi and try again.
  4. If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA43

Your Android device cannot locate the Advantage Air wall mounted touch screen.

Please try these steps:

  1. Check that the apps on your wall mounted touch screen are up to date.  You can check this via your Google Play store account on your wall mounted touch screen.  (We recommend allowing auto updates).
  2. Check your wall mounted touch screen is connected to your local wifi.
  3. Connect this mobile device to the same local WiFi and try again.
  4. If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA44

There is a communication error between your wall mounted touch screen and the control box.

If you have not done so, please follow the above troubleshooting steps.
Or if the error does not clear please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA45

Communication error.

  1. Check your mobile data is enabled for your Advantage Air App in Phone Setting and App Settings
  2. Please check the network (Wi-Fi) connection on the wall mounted touch screen.
  3. Reboot the wall mounted touch screen and your router.
  4. Once ready, try reconnecting using the app.
  5. If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA46

Communication error.

  1. Check your mobile data is enabled for your Advantage Air App in Phone Setting and App Settings
  2. Please check the network (Wi-Fi) connection on the wall mounted touch screen.
  3. Reboot the wall mounted touch screen and your router.
  4. Once ready, try reconnecting using the app.
  5. If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA48

The wall mounted touch screen has not been paired with your Apple device.

To pair the Apple device with the wall mounted touch screen:

  1. Please ensure both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  2. Open the app (MyPlace, Ezone or Zone 10e) on the Apple device.
  3. Control the system via the app for at least 10 seconds.
  4. Disconnect the Apple device from the same Wi-Fi network and test remote access.
  5. If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA49

The wall mounted touch screen has not been paired with your Android device.

To pair the third party Android device with the wall mounted touch screen:

  1. Please ensure both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  2. Open the app (MyPlace,Ezone or Zone 10e) on the Android device.
  3. Control the system via the app for at least 10 seconds.
  4. Disconnect the Android device from the same Wi-Fi network and test remote access.
  5. If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA50

The Advantage app on your Apple device has detected a new system.

If the if you have more than one system follow the below steps:

  1. Head to settings on the Apple device
  2. Scroll down until you see MyPlace. Press on the appropriate app.
  3. At the bottom of the screen interact with the toggle bar to change the app from single system to multiple systems.
  4. If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA60

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA62

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA63

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA64

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA65

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA66

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA67

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA68

Commissioning or Setup Error.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

Status Code AA71

Apple mobile device has 0 systems stored and no wifi connected (using 3/4G).

Reconnect your Apple device to the exact same Wi-Fi network as the wall mounted touch screen.
From here, open the MyPlace, eZone or Zone 10E app on your mobile device to pair with the system.
After connecting using Wi-Fi, try again remotely.

If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA72

Android mobile device has 0 systems stored and no wifi connected (using 3/4G).

Reconnect your third party Android device to the exact same Wi-Fi network as the wall mounted
touch screen. From here, open the MyPlace, eZone or Zone 10E app on your mobile device to pair
with the system. After connecting using Wi-Fi, try again remotely.

If the error has still not cleared, please contact MyTeam Tech Support on 1300 850 191

Status Code AA81

Wall sensor has been detected but either no zone has been allocated or more than one zone has been allocated on a particular sensor.

  1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info
  2. Ensure Each Sensor has only 1 zone dip switch allocated
  3. Check Battery connection to each temp sensor
  4. If the error has still not cleared, please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA82

Wall sensor has been detected but either no zone has been allocated or more than one zone has been allocated on a particular sensor.

  1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info
  2. Ensure Each Sensor has only 1 zone dip switch allocated
  3. Check Battery connection to each temp sensor
  4. If the error has still not cleared, please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA83

Wall sensor has been detected but either no zone has been allocated or more than one zone has been allocated on a particular sensor.

  1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info
  2. Ensure Each Sensor has only 1 zone dip switch allocated
  3. Check Battery connection to each temp sensor
  4. If the error has still not cleared, please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA86

Wireless wall sensor has been detected but has a low battery reading.

  1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info
  2. Ensure Each Sensor has only 1 zone dip switch allocated
  3. Check Battery connection to each temp sensor
  4. If the error has still not cleared, please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA89

Multiple sensors have been been detected on the same zone.

  1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info
  2. Ensure Each Sensor has only 1 zone dip switch allocated
  3. Check Battery connection to each temp sensor
  4. If the error has still not cleared, please contact your air conditioning installer quoting the status code.

Status Code AA122T

RM2 Dip Switches set incorrectly.

Please call your air-conditioning specialist.

No results found...


Why is the phone app on my phone not connecting to the air conditioner?

The app installed on your wall mounted touch screen and the app on your phone communicate through your home Wi-Fi network.

To ensure a connection is made please check the following:

  • Phone and wall mounted touch screen are both joined to same Wi-Fi network.
    – If you have a dual bandwidth router, they must be on the same bandwidth
  • Apps on wall mounted touch screen and phone must be the most current versions.
    – For assistance updating apps on your wall mounted touch screen please click HERE (video link).
  • On your wall mounted touch screen, please go to setup > remote access and ensure this feature is enabled.

If these steps are followed you should see a status code of AA26 and a list of paired devices on the Remote Access page.

Why do some zones on my system always re-open, even when I have turned it off?

Advantage Air have designed our systems to be energy efficient and intuitive.

One of the key features of these systems is the ability to use set electronic constants. A constant zone is marked with a small “C” on its tab.

Constant zones are used as a fail-safe to relieve build-up of air pressure within your ducted system. Over pressure for continuous periods of time can lead to early degradation of the duct or unwanted water damage caused by condensation around the outlets.

These constants will open when the system senses that not enough air is being released into your home with the current zone configuration. If the configuration allows enough air flow in other zones the Constant can be switched off.

If you want the constant to remain closed, a good rule of thumb to follow is to have the same number of outlets open as there are outlets in your constant zone.

Why can’t I turn one zone off?

Advantage Air have designed our systems to be energy efficient and intuitive.

One key feature of these systems is the ability to set specific rooms as the focal point of your air conditioning unit. This feature is called “MyZone” and is indicated by a small “M” on the zone name as well as a dark grey thermostat to the far right hand side.

To have a MyZone feature running on the system you must have been fitted with temperature sensors to at least one room in the property at installation. MyZone can be retrofitted at a later date by a licensed installer.

When a zone is selected as MyZone is will remain on or open to allow the temperature sensor to continue reading. To change your MyZone to a new room simply tap on any other thermostat icon in the zones page, this will now become your MyZone and the previous zone can be closed.

Once the MyZone has reached the desired temperature, the system will begin to the outdoor compressor off conserve energy. As the air temp begins to differ from the desired temp, the system will trigger the compressor back on and continue to run.

Why do certain rooms in my house heat or cool faster than others?

There are a number of factors that can determine how efficient a room heats or cools.

The most common factor is the proximity of the room to the indoor air conditioner unit in your roof. Rooms located nearest to the indoor air conditioner unit will tend to receive higher air flow than a room located further away. This is because air will always take the easiest possible path through the flexible duct in your roof, meaning shorter duct runs receive more air and in turn, cool down quicker.

Duct is designed to help air retain its temperature, either hot or cold, however air will lose temperature the longer it is confined in a length of duct.

Another factor is the division of air throughout your system. Your air conditioner will produce the same volume of air whether you have all zones open or only a few. The volume of air does not change, but when fewer zones are open they will receive a higher concentration of that air.

Why does my Aircon switch off intermittently?

As Australia becomes more energy conscious, companies are employing more and more techniques to save power.

One such method that most air-conditioning manufacturers have developed is to have your air conditioner cycle off when it senses it no longer needs to run.

By default, your Air conditioner will have a small sensor installed near the air intake side of the indoor air conditioner unit. When the temperature of the air being sucked up is close to, or reaches, the temperature you have set on the mode page, your air-con will cycle off.

When your home gets a few degrees away from your set temperature the system will automatically cycle back on.

The same thing will happen when you have MyZone set up on your Advantage Air system, the only difference is that the air-conditioner will cycle off/on dependant on the current temperature in the room you have set as your MyZone.

Why doesn’t my screen wake up when I tap it?

Our wall mounted touch screens are developed with an app that runs in the background called Taptap to Wake. The primary purpose of this app is to make the screen wake up when it detects a vibration.

The best way to wake your wall mounted touch screen from sleep is to give it a firm, double tap, in one of the 4 corners of the device. A single tap in the middle of the screen will often result in the screen not detecting enough of a vibration to wake.

You can change the sensitivity of the vibration needed to wake the screen within the Taptap to Wake app.

Navigate to the Taptap to Wake app and when you open it you will see a sensitivity bar from 1 to 12.

1 is the least sensitive (requires much stronger tap) and 12 is most sensitive (very soft tap)

Why can’t I see what temperature my rooms are reaching?

If you have temperature sensors installed in your home, you can easily have your wall mounted touch screen display the temperatures that they are currently reading.

Once you have the MyPlace app open simply navigate to Setup > Options and enable the setting called ‘Display actual temps’ and you should now see the temperature that each sensor is currently reading being displayed on the right of the zone name.

If you do not have temp sensors and would to include this feature please contact a licensed installer to enquire about adding them to your system!

Why are the lights in my room turned ON but the light switch on the wall is in the OFF position

With MyPlace your lights can now be switched on a number of different ways E.g. the light switch on the wall, on your MyPlace tablet or via the MyPlace app on your smartphone. This means that if you turn the lights OFF in a room via the light switch on the wall, then turn ON that light via the MyPlace tablet your lights switch will still be in the OFF position.

This is perfectly normal, the secret is to disregard the position of your light switch altogether and know that if you flick the light switch the light will do the opposite.